
Symmetry Invariants of Quasiparticles in Magnetic Semimetals

来源:Prof. Fan Yang 作者:Prof. Zheng-Xin Liu 发布时间:2022-11-09

contact person: Prof. Fan Yang

reporter: Prof. Zheng-Xin Liu

time: 2022-11-09

place: Tencent Meeting:807-393-403

Prof. Zheng-Xin Liu' interest includes quantum magnetism, magnetic semimetals, superconductors, topological order and topological quantum computation, etc.



题目Symmetry Invariants of Quasiparticles in Magnetic Semimetals

报告人:刘正鑫 教授(中国人民大学 物理系)


点:线上会议 腾讯会议:807-393-403


It is known that particles carry presentations (Reps) of their symmetry groups, and different quasi-particles are distinguished by their different quantum numbers. However, it is less known that, between the Reps and the symmetry groups, there is an extra layer of data called symmetry invariants. We will show that, certain invariants of particles which are locked in high energy physics can be unlocked in quasi-particles in condensed matter physics. Furthermore, there are much more quasiparticles in magnetic materials than in non-magnetic materials. From the k.p theory, we can figure out the physical response of the quasi-particles. Interestingly we find that the electric-magnetic response theory of some quasi-particles respect SO(4) algebra. And a large class of particles in magnetic semimetals can exhibit an exotic cross Larmor precession, and this effect can be observed experimentally from a new phenomena called cross resonant absorption.


Prof. Zheng-Xin Liu acquired his Ph.D in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2010. Then he worked in the Institute for Advanced Study in Tsinghua University and in 2015 he joined Renmin University. His research interest includes quantum magnetism, magnetic semimetals, superconductors, topological order and topological quantum computation, etc. With collaborators, he had worked on the classification of bosonic symmetry protected topological phases and had proposed multi-node quantum spin liquids in spin-orbit coupled magnets.


邀请人: 杨帆 教授

