
新葡萄88805官网“博约学术论坛”-Max Attwood-第472期

来源:吴昊 作者:Dr. Max Attwood 发布时间:2024-09-23

邀请人: 吴昊

报告人: Dr. Max Attwood

时间: 2024-09-23





题目Making molecules for quantum technologies with photoactivated unpaired electron spins

报告人:Dr. Max Attwood

间:2024923日(周一) 11:15-12:30


摘要:Certain organic chromophores are emerging as promising candidates for a range of photoactivated quantum technologies including ultra-low noise room temperature quantum amplifiers and magnetic field sensors.[1,2] In such systems, sensing relies on the stimulated collapse of a spin-polarised state or on monitoring the spin coherence of paramagnetic states. However, due to inefficient spin dynamics, the molecular materials underpinning these technologies exhibit limited sensitivity and require strong light sources and high-quality factor resonators. For these families of molecule-enabled quantum sensors to be widely applied we must develop new materials with enhanced spin dynamics that simplify their operation and improve sensitivity.

To tackle these issues, we have designed novel approaches to tune the quantum properties of candidate molecular systems and investigated several triplet and radical-based materials capable of producing strong and long-lived electron spin polarisation through intersystem crossing, singlet fission, or radical-triplet interactions.[3–5] Using a combined approach employing optical spectroscopy and transient and pulsed electron spin resonance, we have linked their electronic and spin behaviors, and, ultimately, been able to determine their merit in quantum sensing applications.


[1] Ng W, Xu X, Attwood M, Wu H, Meng Z, Chen X and Oxborrow M 2023 Move Aside Pentacene: Diazapentacene‐Doped para ‐Terphenyl, a Zero‐Field Room‐Temperature Maser with Strong Coupling for Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics Adv. Mater. 35 2300441

[2] Mena A, Mann S K, Cowley-Semple A, Bryan E, Heutz S, McCamey D R, Attwood M and Bayliss S L 2024 Room-temperature optically detected coherent control of molecular spins ArXiv 1–9

[3] Attwood M, Xu X, Newns M, Meng Z, Ingle R A, Wu H, Chen X, Xu W, Ng W, Abiola T T, Stavros V G and Oxborrow M 2023 N-Heteroacenes as an Organic Gain Medium for Room-Temperature Masers Chem. Mater. 35 4498–509

[4] Attwood M, Li Y, Nevjestic I, Diggle P, Collauto A, Betala M, White A J P and Oxborrow M 2024 Probing the design rules for densely packed organic triplet media for spin-based quantum devices ChemrXiv 1–14

[5] Blank A and Levanon H 2002 Toward maser action at room temperature by triplet-radical interaction and its application to microwave technology RIKEN Rev. 44 128


Max is a synthetic chemist who graduated with a 1st class MChem degree from the University of Surrey and went on to achieve a PhD in inorganic chemistry studying “spin-crossover” molecules for information storage and sensing applications. In 2019, Max joined the group of Prof Mark Oxborrow as postdoc to develop new organic materials for microwave-lasers, known as masers, before being awarded a 3-year UKRI Quantum Technology Career Development Fellowship to expand his investigations into discovering new and high-performance molecular systems with an expand scope for generalized quantum technologies.


邀请人: 吴昊

