
新葡萄88805官网“博约学术论坛”-Alexander Mikhalychev-2-第469期

来源:张胜利 作者:Alexander Mikhalychev 研究员 (白俄罗斯国家科学院斯捷潘诺夫物理研究所) 发布时间:2024-09-18

邀请人: 张胜利

报告人: Alexander Mikhalychev 研究员 (白俄罗斯国家科学院斯捷潘诺夫物理研究所)

时间: 2024-09-18

地点: 线下-良乡校区,理学楼B203会议室




题目: Quantum measurement as a tool for probabilistic transformation of quantum light states

报告人:Alexander Mikhalychev 研究员 (白俄罗斯国家科学院斯捷潘诺夫物理研究所)




Specific properties of quantum measurements (backaction on the measured object, randomness of the outcomes) lead to hidden character of quantum information and hinder investigation of quantum systems. On the other hand, inevitable influence of the measuring device on the quantum system can serve as an instrument for steering it to a useful target state. The talk is devoted to that aspect of quantum measurements: special measurement types capable of creating various target states; general ideas of measurement-induced control of quantum states; interpretation of dissipative (non-unitary) dynamics of quantum systems in terms of continuous measurements and its usage for generation of non-classical quantum-optical states. Namely, a class of elimination measurements is defined, discussed, and shown to be efficient for quantum light state manipulation. Further, the idea is extended to the field of quantum imaging and an approach to conditional enhancement of photonic state sensitivity to the illuminated object sub-Rayleigh features is proposed. The close connection between dissipative non-unitary dynamics and measurement-induced steering of a quantum state makes the concept of elimination measurements also fruitful for description of an optical system subjected to nonlinear coherent loss and showing its capability of generating sub-Poissonian quantum-optical states.


Alexander Mikhalychev is a senior researcher in B.I.Stepanov Institute of PhysicsNational academy of sciences of Belarus. He has published more than 60 papers in top journals in physics, such as Phys.Rev , npj Quantum Inf. and so on. His research covers: quantum antennas, quantum measurement and quantum imaging. He has finished projects like EU Horizon 2020 project, BRFFR-NSFC,BRFFR-ICRANet.


邀请人: 张胜利

