
新葡萄88805官网“博约学术论坛”-Wern Ng-第473期

来源:吴昊 作者:Dr. Wern Ng 发布时间:2024-09-23

邀请人: 吴昊

报告人: Dr. Wern Ng

时间: 2024-09-23

地点: 中关村校区,体育馆南厅A03-A04会议室




题目Portable diamond maser for quantum sensing with low noise temperatures, without cryogenics

报告人:Dr. Wern Ng

间:2024923日(周一) 14:00-15:15


摘要:Masers, the microwave analogue of the laser, can amplify the weakest electrical signals for medical diagnostics and mobile communications. However, to this day the only room temperature CW maser made from NV- diamond is trapped by needing >2000kg electromagnets, being unfeasible to carry between labs and users. We present a breakthrough portable CW maser, reduced to just 30 kg and easily carried between benchtops. The maser power exceeds that of the first diamond maser iteration, and we benchmark the performance under non-ideal magnetic field alignment of the NV- spins. The results show robust maser performance against large angle misalignment to the DC magnetic field, while preserving high masing amplitudes at the same microwave frequency.
This lays the foundations for reducing the footprint of room temperature masers further, opening opportunities for other research groups and industries to use the maser’s exquisite low-noise capabilities in mobile communication and the growing quantum computing field, which relies on faint microwave signals for qubit readout.


简历Wern Ng comes from Malaysia and is a Postdoc at Imperial College London (ICL), having finished his PhD in Materials there. His thesis was on building homemade transient EPR spectrometers with second-hand parts, to study maser materials and long-lifetime spin materials such as pentacene and NV- diamond. He has published four papers in journals such as Advanced Materials (IF 27.4) and Applied Physics Letters. He has secured multiple grants such as the Innovation Fund (£10k), Royce Industrial Programme (£100k) and EPSRC Maser-in-a-Shoebox grant (£475k, EP/Y00471X/1). In his free time, he is currently a slow-learning beginner at guitar.


邀请人: 吴昊

