

来源: 作者: 发布时间:2012-07-12



时间: 2012-07-12



题 目: From Nanomechanical Science to Nanofabrication Technology: A New Route towards Nanotube Synthesis

报告人:Professor Feng Liu (刘锋)


时 间:2012年7月17日(星期二)10:00

地 点: 中心教学楼610   

The nanotechnology of the future demands controlled and consistent fabrication of different classes of nanostructures. However, very often the nanostructures are made in an empirical manner lacking a sufficient level of control. Despite the enormous success we have so far enjoyed, such as with carbon nanotubes, nanofabrication and synthesis with most materials are still very difficult. There exists a strong need for the development of nanofabrication techniques with a higher degree of control on size and geometry as well as with a high degree of versatility applicable to different materials. In this talk, I will introduce a novel approach of nanofabrication, namely the nanomechanical architecture of thin films, by exploiting the mechanical bending principles of nanofilms. Using theoretical surface-stress analysis and molecular dynamics simulations, we demonstrate that the bending behavior of nanofilms consisting of a few and tens of atomic layers is both quantitatively and qualitatively different from that of macroscopic thick films. The atomic nature of the film structure and the intrinsic surface stress play a dominant role in governing the bending behavior at nanoscale. A nanofilm may self-bend by its own intrinsic surface stress imbalance without applying external stress load and its thinness leads to a large bending with the radius of bending curvature as small as a few nanometers, forming naturally a nanotube from a variety of materials, such as Si and Ge. In the extreme case of the thinnest film possible, a single atomic layer of patterned graphene sheet, it leads to the development of a new method for synthesizing carbon nanotubes with an unprecedented control over their size and chirality.

Curriculum Vitae:
B.S.   Materials Science Tsinghua University, Beijing  1984
M.S. Solid State Physics Tsinghua University, Beijing  1986
Ph.D. Chemical Physics Virginia Commonwealth University 1990
Professor  University of Utah, Department of MS&E  2007- present
Chair  University of Utah, Department of MS&E  2011- present
Adjunct Professor University of Utah, Department of Physics  2007- present
Director  University of Utah, Center for Computational Design of
Nanomaterials and Nanodevice   2002 - 2007
Associate Professor University of Utah, Department of MS&E  2003 – 2007
Adjunct assoc. Prof University of Utah, Department of Physics  2003 - 2007
Assistant Professor University of Utah, Department of MS&E  2000 - 2003
Research Scientist Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of MS&E 1995 - 2000
Postdoc  Oak Ridge National Lab, Solid State Division  1993 - 1995
Postdoc Rutgers University, Department of Ceramics 1991 - 1993
Scientific Activities:
Publications: 170+ refereed publications, including one-third in high-impact journals:
~50 Physical Review Letters, 2 Nature, 1 Nature Materials, 1 Nature Communication, 3 Nano Letters, 2 Advanced Materials, 2 ACS Nano; plus 8 book chapters, 14 invited reviews/papers and 10 patents.
Presentations: over 170 national and international plenary and invited talks, lectures, and seminar presentations; numerous contributed presentations at national and international conferences.
Honors & Awards
Fellow, American Physical Society (2011)
Senior Humboldt Research Award (2008)
Australia Research Council International Professorial Fellow (2007)
DOE winner of “chunky bullet” competition in Materials and Engineering Physics (2002)
Outstanding Overseas Scholar Award (海外知名学者), Chinese Academy of Science (2001)
Outstanding Young Investigator Award (杰青B), Natural Science Foundation of China (1999)
Synergistic Activities:
• Member of Review Panel of “Committee of Visitors” for DOE-BES Materials Program
• Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience
• Member of Editorial Board, Open Journal of Materials Science
• Editor of Symposium Proceeding of 1999 MRS Spring Meeting
• Member of the 2006 DOE review panel for the Materials Science Program at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory-CO
• Member of the 2003 DOE review panel for the Materials and Engineering Physics Program at the Sandia National Laboratory-NM
• Co-organizer of DMP focused session of APS March meeting, 2000 & 2007
• Co-organizer of symposium of 1999 MRS Spring Meeting, and four International Workshops
• Four patents and six invention disclosures
• Developed a new course of “computational materials science---atomistic simulations” for Materials Science and Engineering majors at U of Utah.
• Developed a new course of “Modeling of Nanostructures on Surfaces” for Materials Science and Engineering majors at U of Utah.
• Reviewer for NSF, DOE, PRF and funding agencies of other countries (e.g., Canada, Australia, Singapore, China); and for more than ten journals (e.g., Nature, PRL, APL)
• Co-founder and Chief Scientific Consultant of one start-up company: Solan LLC.

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