新葡萄88805官网“博约学术论坛” -蒋易凡-第400期
来源:杨帆 作者:蒋易凡 (上海科技大学) 发布时间:2023-07-20邀请人: 杨帆
报告人: 蒋易凡 (上海科技大学)
时间: 2023-07-20
地点: 新葡萄88805官网良乡校区 理学楼B203
第 400期
题目:Pair density wave superconductivity: a microscopic model in two dimensions |
报告人:蒋易凡 (上海科技大学) 时 间:2023年07月20日(周四) 下午 15:00-17:00 地 点:新葡萄88805官网良乡校区 理学楼B203 |
摘要: Pair-density-wave (PDW) is a long-sought superconducting state with oscillating order parameter. In spite of intense effort devoted, a microscopic mechanism capable of driving such state has not yet been established in two dimensions. In this talk, I will briefly review the previous numerical studies on realizing the PDW state in strongly correlated systems and present our recent density-matrix renormalization group study a minimal spinless Fermion model with density-density interactions on six- and eight-leg honeycomb cylinders. In the lightly doped model, we find quasi-long-range PDW order with a divergent PDW susceptibility emerges when the repulsive nearest interaction exceeds a finite threshold V_c. Strickingly, this PDW state persists even on the wide lattice with multiple Fermi points on Fermi surfaces. |
蒋易凡是上海科技大学的助理教授。博士毕业于清华大学高等研究院。之后于美国斯坦福大学从事博士后研究。目前的主要研究兴趣为强关联量子多体系统, 集中在用数值方法对非常规超导和阻挫量子磁体进行研究。 |
邀请人: 杨帆 网 址:http:/ 承办单位:物理学院、先进光电量子结构设计与测量教育部重点实验室 |